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Real estate news in Juan-les-Pins
1 Août 2013
New communication tools. Or, real estate at a click!
Facebook, dailymotion and youtube are the new communication tools serving as time-saving devices in real estate.
Selecting your future student rental accommodation in Antibes Juan les Pins with your friends between classes and directly on your smartphone requires no installation and provides highspeed connection.
Or otherwise, in your fireside armchair, go on a virtual visit of your next seasonal rental accommodation in Antibes Juan les Pins, as if you were there, just by clicking on the dailymotion icon or yourtube's – the world's number one video website.
You have to agree, that's comfort!
Even if you are one of those people who appreciate human contact through an appointment with a real estate agent, you can't miss the progress of new technology
That is why the Agence de la Pinède Juan les Pins, being reactive and open to these new technologies, has not hesitated to include these links in its website.
Don't forget that staying modern is adapting.
Dialogue with us on facebook, go on a virtual visit of the property you are interested in; simply live with the times!